Sunday, May 15, 2011

This is the beginning. In earnest.

Not unlike many other Americans, I've struggled with my relationship with stuff for many years. Wanting things and feeling like I don't have enough. Then feeling overwhelmed by what I do have and not knowing how to get out from under the mounds of possessions that seem to appear once I open my eyes. The oscillating is exhausting and affecting my quality of life and by extension my family's quality of life.

I've been reading about simplicity and frugality for over a decade but have never been able to stay "on the wagon" for very long. I'm certain I'm not entirely alone in that boat. But all of that has to change for the sake of my sanity and happiness.

I've come to the realization that if I don't confront this problem with stuff it will continue to fester in my life indefinitely, both personally and professionally. So I've made the decision that now is the time to challenge my relationship with stuff.

This blog isn't going to be about counting the number of items I can remove from my life or the things I can learn to live without. I imagine some of the content will be in the vein. But I want to delve deeper. There is a psychological reorganization that must take place in order to affect long-term change in my life regarding my relationship with stuff. This reorganization includes identifying where, within and without, this relationship with stuff extends from. I already know that trading my desire for stuff with my desire to get rid of stuff doesn't actually touch on any of the causes of my problems with stuff.

I hope that anyone who joins me in this journey can be patient and forgiving. There are bound to be ups and downs, triumphs and set backs, as with any life changing endeavor.

Some things that have inspired me to tackle this long term problem in my life: